Yunfei Xie | 谢云飞

I am a fourth-year undergrad student in the School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation at Huazhong University of Science & Technology..

I am honored to work as a research intern with Prof. Yuyin Zhou and Prof. Cihang Xie in VLAA at UC, Santa Cruz and Dr.Jieru Mei in CCVL at Johns Hopkins University.

My research interests mainly include multimodal language models and computer vision applications like segmentation.

Additionally, I am actively seeking potential Ph.D. or RA positions enrolling in Fall 2025.

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profile photo
A Preliminary Study of o1 in Medicine: Are We Closer to an AI Doctor?
Yunfei Xie, Juncheng Wu, Haoqin Tu, Siwei Yang, Bingchen Zhao, Yongshuo Zong, Qiao Jin, Cihang Xie, Yuyin Zhou
arxiv, 2024
paper / code / data
MedTrinity-25M: A Large-scale Multimodal Dataset with Multigranular Annotations for Medicine
Yunfei Xie, Ce Zhou, Lang Gao, Juncheng Wu, Xianhang Li, Hong-Yu Zhou, Liu sheng, Lei Xing, James Zou, Cihang Xie, Yuyin Zhou
arxiv, 2024
paper / website
Few-shot Medical Image Segmentation via Supervoxel Transformer
Yunfei Xie, Alan Yuille, Cihang Xie, Yuyin Zhou Jieru Mei,
arxiv, 2024
paper(Coming soon)
From Pixels to Objects: A Hierarchical Approach for Part and Object Segmentation Using Local and Global Aggregation
Yunfei Xie, Cihang Xie, Alan Yuille, Jieru Mei
ECCV, 2024
Brain Tumor Segmentation Through SuperVoxel Transformer
Yunfei Xie, Ce Zhou, Jieru Mei, Xianhang Li, Cihang Xie, Yuyin Zhou
ISBI, 2024


Undergrad in Artificial Intelligence, Huazhong University of Science & Technology
2021.09 - Present, Wuhan, China


Dec. 2023 - Present: Research Intern, VLAA, University of California, Santa Cruz
Supervisor: Prof. Yuyin Zhou and Prof. Cihang Xie and Dr. Jieru Mei
Focus: Multimodal Language Models for Understanding, Reasoning and Captioning

Jul. 2023 - Dec. 2023: Research Intern, CCVL, Johns Hopkins University
Supervisor: Prof. Cihang Xie and Dr. Jieru Mei
Focus: Multi-Level Segmentation, Few-Shot Segmentation

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Last updated on July. 29th, 2024.